
By Racha

Sefer signifies the inevitable restart our lives always go through. The older we get the tougher it becomes to accept the terms and conditions of beginning again, ultimately leaving us lost under the rubble of what once was our foundations of life. Ignorant to it’s inexorable demise we find ourselves rebuilding a new structure of living, assembling the old with the new and expecting it to hold on for longer. Alas, we often choose the less compatible stones of our past in the hopes that maybe this time it will work out differently. Sooner or later, we’ll come to realise that the universe rarely operates in the ways we expect it to, and it never fails to bring us back down to the neutral and regenerative state of zero.

This blog focuses on the different inconclusive answers we seem to get from the world whenever we find ourselves being overtaken by it’s weight. My aim is to create a space for tense shoulders to slowly release that tension and make room for a breath of air that feels revitalising, allowing the mind to experience moments of zero strain on the brain. 

Who are you?

Smooth on the surface, rough around the edges, and a void of indecisiveness at its core - is how I would describe the question "who are you".

It is the feeling that comes with that question that makes me so uncertain about my answer, uncomfortable almost. Truthfully, I never had a response I could proudly wear on my sleeve - that would make me too vulnerable to the perception of others - and that scares me more than the depth of the rabbit hole I inevitably fall deeper into the more I try to learn about who I am.

Evidently, the further I sink the more doors to my sense of self I discover and unlock.

Unfortunately, each door has its own key that I can only find when I feel truly lost, which leads me to uncover the harsh reality of my fear of daring to venture deeper into the uncharted waters of my psyche and accepting the truth about who I am.